CV Summary



Mexican citizen, MD from the National University of Mexico (1974); Neurology Specialty from the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery of Mexico (1975-1978); Post-graduate studies on research in Neuroimmunology (1978-1979) London University U.K. and Neurovirology (1979-1981) National Institutes of Health Bethesda USA.

Currently, Emeritus Researcher of the National Institutes of Health of Mexico. Author of 77 chapters in Medical Textbooks; author of 395 publications in international peer-reviewed journals. Cited 8,724 times in the medical literature (SCOPUS, June 2021); 3rd. most cited author from Latin-America in medical sciences. Member of the Board of Scientific Counselor’s, Center for Diseases Control (CDC) Atlanta, U.S.A. Delegate of Mexico; Working Party on Biotechnology (WPB) and Global Forum on Biotechnology, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Paris; President of the Board of Trustees, Centers for Attention of Addictions, President of the Board of Trustees, Metropolitan Autonomous University.

Invited lecturer at 123 Universities and medical Institutions abroad. Chief of Advisors of the Minister of Health of Mexico (2010-2011), General Director of the National Institutes of Health and High Specialty Hospitals of Mexico (overseeing 50,000 employees) (2006-2010), General Director of the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery of Mexico, the largest neuroscience institution in Latin-America (1998-2006). Vice-President (2000), President (2001) National Academy of Medicine of Mexico. President Mexican Society of Neurology and Psychiatry (1987-1988). Member of the Governing Council, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana. Decoration “Eduardo Liceaga”, highest award in medicine, given by the President of Mexico (1992). National Prize of Science and Arts, highest award in science, given by the President of Mexico (2001). National Medal to the Merit in Medicine, given by the President of Mexico (2006). Emeritus Member Mexican Academy of Neurology (2007); Senior Investigator Ministry of Health of Mexico (2007). President of the Governing Council, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana (2011-2015). Honorary Member, Mexican Academy of Surgery (2011). Carlos Slim Award 2012 “Trayectory on Health Reserch”. Luis Elizondo Award “Category Scientific and Technologic to the Human Sense” (2014). Honorary Member, National Academy of Medicine of Mexico (2017). Heberto Castillo Award (2019).